Executive education
– intercultural management
– international marketing
– transport & logistics
– personal development
– HR management
– intellectual property
Education quality
Industry relations

Case study no. 1: Entrepreneurship course in Burkina Faso
Campus Globe has joined a consortium led by a Dutch consultancy firm, ICRA, and Swiss UMEF University of Burkina Faso. We have been awarded a bid emitted by the government of the Netherlands: the project aims at facilitating the creation of small businesses in the field of agriculture. Besides technical courses focused on agriculture (new irrigation techniques, precision farming, agribusiness …), Campus Globe is in charge of a seminar dedicated to entrepreneurship & innovation.

Case study no. 2: Innovation course in Armenia
In Armenia, Campus Globe has run a course about new innovation techniques such as the design thinking method & the C-K- theory; participants were Executive MBA students from ASUE (Armenian State University of Economics).

Case study no. 3: DBA degrees in Africa & Asia
Campus Globe has signed a representation agreement with several academic partners to promote DBA courses in some African & Asian countries. Two tracks are available:
– management: blended learning with part online, part taught on the partner campus, tesis defence in France, Africa or online
– artificial intelligence & business: 100% taught online, tesis defence in France or online
Any interest in such course, please mail to:
herve.salkin at campus-globe.com